NSW Gas Efficiency Funding Grant : Are You Eligible?

Companies using gas as an energy source in NSW would to do well to consider the current offer for Gas Efficiency Funding from the NSW Government.

With grants up to $40,000 available for sites with an annual gas usage of over 1000 GJ this program aims to help the planned introduction of gas into the Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) in 2016.

Program background and objectives

Rising gas prices are placing greater cost pressures on businesses and organisations across NSW. The general lack of on-site resources and monitoring, coupled with the difficulties of accessing capital have made it hard for organisations to respond to these increasing pressures. Through the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the NSW Government aims to reduce bills and pressure on future prices through energy efficiency. The main mechanism for achieving this goal is the Energy Savings Scheme (ESS), which the NSW Government has committed to expanding to include gas in 2016.

To help the planned introduction of gas into the ESS, the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is launching Gas Efficiency Funding. The program provides direct grant funding to sites to implement gas monitoring and efficiency projects. Data collected from these projects will assist OEH to develop new methods for calculating gas savings under the ESS.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • reduce market barriers to implementing gas efficiency
  • provide incentives for implementing gas efficiency projects
  • help businesses prepare for the planned expansion of the ESS to include gas
  • build the market for gas efficiency products and services.

Who can apply

Your site must be located within NSW and have an annual gas use over 1,000 GJ (approximately $30 000 per annum). If your organisation has more than one site in NSW, each with an annual gas use of over 1,000 GJ, you can submit more than one application; however each application will be assessed separately.

What is funded

The program provides matched funding to implement a two-stage project:
Stage 1: installation of gas measurement and monitoring systems including gas and steam sub-meters and data-logging systems.
Stage 2: implementation of gas efficiency improvement projects including:

  • the installation of boiler economisers and oxygen trim control
  • improvements to boiler blowdown and condensate return systems
  • the recovery of heat from refrigeration or compressors to offset gas use.

For each eligible site, you can apply for a grant of up to a total of $40,000 divided into two stages. OEH will match your implementation costs for stages 1 and 2. A maximum of $15,000 funding is available for stage 1 (up to 50 per cent of actual project costs) and a maximum of $25,000 funding is available for stage 2 (up to 50 per cent of actual project costs). You must implement both stages. Proposals are assessed competitively in order to ensure the best value for NSW. Funding will be provided upon completion of each of the stages and will be contingent on the submission of the required project data.

Should you require assistance with selection and specification of equipment designed to increase the efficiency of your gas fired plant, please contact us to arrange a free consultation with one of our technical consultants. For more details on the NSW Gas Efficiency Funding Grant visit the Funding for Gas Efficiency page on the OEH website.


The Ecopack condensing flue exchanger is a flue heat recovery system designed to recoup up to 24% of heat normally lost in the flue gases from conventional boilers. Effectively the Ecopack converts a standard gas fired boiler into a fully condensing unit.

Want more information? Automatic Heating offers a free energy usage appraisal, technical advice and no-obligation consultations on system designs. Contact us at sales@www.automaticheating.com.au or call 1800 337 959.